Friday, 10 June 2011

Private zoo fights to stay open

Friday June 10, 2011


SENAI: The keeper of a controversial private zoo says he will not surrender his animals without a fight after the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan) decided not to renew its operating permit.
Saleng animal trainer and zoo keeper J. Sivapriyan said he was devastated when he received the letter from Perhilitan yesterday.
“This means I will lose all my animals, including the 32 tigers we have in the zoo.
“These animals are like my children and I will do everything in my power to ensure that the zoo is not closed down,” he said.
Under the Perhilitan ruling, animals found in illegal zoos are to be confiscated and sent to various designated animal facilities, in-cluding the Malacca zoo.
Sivapriyan said he had also appealed to the Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Douglas Uggah Embas.
He said he had held numerous meetings with Perhilitan but his pleas were ignored.
Sivapriyan said instead of hurling accusations, Perhilitan should come up with proper evidence on why they think that the zoo was not up to standard.
“Our animals are actively breeding and if they were unhappy or abused, why would they do that?” he asked, adding that he would be starting a signature drive to prove that he had the backing of the public to keep the zoo open.
Johor Perhilitan director Sa-harudin Anan said his officers had audited the zoo and found that its condition was not suitable for animals.
“Although it is their right to start a signature drive, only the minister can approve its permit,” he said, adding that the department would not reject the renewal of the zoo's licence without valid reasons.
It was reported in The Star early last month (May 2) that several zoos were found to have enclosures that were too small and dirty apart from unhealthy animals.



Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Indra, Chola, and Suri

This was my first Tiger Cubs that i have raise. But they been given way for better home..
I was there for them almost everyday . given them bottle feeding ,clean -up them and best part of my life is we sleep together and playing with them ..i will never ever forget this wonderful memory given god to us man and tiger.

Monday, 6 June 2011

ICUN Red list

The photographs presented here represent a selection of species from The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (2010) and were contributed from a range of sources including IUCN SSC Specialist Group members. If you wish to use any of these photographs, please contact the photographers directly to request their permission to do so. For a wider selection of threatened species imagery, please see ARKive (, an online multi-media of the world's species.


Now BIRDS AROSE FROM early feathered reptiles by becoming warm-blooded and gaining the power of flight. Today they are the most mobile of animals . Although  some never stray far from home others cross oceans and continents.Birds have adapted to all of Earth's habitats,even the extremes of the hot desert and polar ice..( Around 3,000 to 4,500 years ago,the ancestor of today's chicken, the jungle fowl,


The first birds appeared more that 140 millon years ago , during the Jurassic period. Knowledge of Birds early history has grown rapidly with the recent discovery of vast beds of fossil birds and feathered dinosaurs in deposits in northeast China and central Asia.


Every part of a flying bird's body from its heart and lungs to its lightweight skull and hollow,light bones is perfectly adapted to make fight possible .



Feathers protect a bird from heat , cold and water, provide color for display or camouflage for protection , and are the main tool in enabling birds to fly.

Birds are undoubtedly rulers of the skies. They fly to find food , escape from predators or migrate long distances. No other cresture can fly as high , or as fast or as far.


The world's fastest human sprinter boasts a top speed of about 27 miles per hour (43.5km/h) which is slow compared with the peregrine falcon, the fastest bird. A peregrine  falcon 's typical cruising speed  is about 40 miles per hour ( 64km /h), but it can get to 70 miles per hour, it dive speed may exceed 200miles per.


Birds use their bills for obtaining and manipulating food.They are usually dull-colored, although some birds have brightly colored bills , although some birds have brightly colored bills that they use in courtship display.


All the Birds Have fundamentally  similar anatomical and physiological  features. However, they display a range of nesting,reproductive and social behaviors. Most are monogamous but courting habits vary. Some prefer a solitray life: other flock together in the large groups.Nests vary from a scrape in the dirt to complex structures.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

“Tigers die and leave their skins; people die and leave their names”

Dibelai disayang, digigit jua!

RENUNGAN matanya sahaja sudah menimbulkan rasa terancam dan gerun. Itu belum lagi mendengar ngaumannya. Peluang mendekatinya, walau dihalang tabir besi, masih boleh membuatkan seseorang menghela nafas sesak dan jantung berdegup kencang.
Dikhabarkan, setiap langkah dan gerak geri diatur makhluk ini diiringi kepekaan deria yang tiada bandingan. Kalau begitu, bukankah ia mendengar rentak jantung kita yang berasa takut akan kehadirannya?
Namun, sifat itu tidak sepenuhnya diwakili spesies harimau Siberia (Panthera tigris altaica) yang berada dalam jagaan di Tiger Valley, Lost World of Tambun, Ipoh, Perak ini. Di sebalik karektor ganas lima ekor harimau itu, ia menyembunyikan sifat yang bertentangan.
"Subspesies harimau paling besar ini sebenarnya mudah tersinggung apabila tidak dibelai dengan penuh kasih sayang. Ia amat manja," kata penjaga harimau terbabit, S. Kamalanathan, 38.
Sebagai penjaga, kesemua harimau yang terdapat di Tiger Valley itu sudah Kamalanathan anggap seperti anak sendiri. Dia seboleh-bolehnya tidak mahu mengamalkan sikap pilih kasih dalam penjagaan, sekurang-kurangnya tidak ditunjukkan di hadapan 'kucing-kucing besar' itu.
"Harimau merupakan haiwan yang amat sensitif dan mempunyai sifat cemburu serta mudah merajuk apabila tidak diberi perhatian," katanya yang mesra dengan panggilan Nathan.
Manja, sensitif, cemburu, dahagakan kasih sayang dan mudah tersinggung? Apakah benar semua yang dicakapkan itu berkenaan harimau? Memang suatu ironi.

KESIHATAN harimau adalah salah satu aspek dalam rutin penjagaan Nathan.

Nathan memberitahu, Tiger Valley memiliki tiga ekor harimau Siberia jantan manakala selebihnya adalah harimau betina. Masing-masing mempunyai nama tersendiri iaitu Sultan berusia 16 tahun seberat 320 kilogram (kg); Putera (enam tahun, 280 kg); dan Jazz (empat tahun, 300 kg).
Dua ekor lagi ialah Azian yang berusia enam tahun dan seberat 280 kg, manakala Raima, 14 tahun, 260 kg. Mamalia bereputasi ganas itu dilatih Nathan mengikut karektor masing-masing.
Sultan misalnya, merupakan harimau dominan dan bertindak sebagai 'bapa' kepada yang lain. Ia kelihatan seperti mengasari harimau lain walhal ia sebenarnya mengajar cara mempertahankan diri.
Putera pula mempunyai keegoan yang tinggi disebabkan ia merupakan anak harimau pertama yang dilahirkan di Tiger Valley sempena ulang tahun Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia. Ia bersikap manja dan gemar mengusik Nathan. Kalau tiba waktu tidur pula, Putera suka meragam.
"Jazz pula dianggap macam cahaya mata sendiri kerana saya yang menjaganya sejak ia dilahirkan. Memandangkan usianya, ia lebih aktif dan suka berlari berbanding yang lain," kata lelaki bujang ini.
Melihat gelagat Azian yang bersahaja dan tidak segan di hadapan lensa kamera, seseorang pengunjung akan segera melabelnya persis bintang popular. Ya, memang hakikatnya, harimau itulah yang telah 'berlakon' sebagai harimau jelmaan dalam filem Waris Jari Hantu sedikit masa lalu.
Perhatian kepada Azian itu mungkin membuatkan si Raima berasa cemburu. Dengan badan yang besar, Raima tidak mahu kalah menonjolkan diri sebagai harimau betina yang aktif dan pintar menunjukkan pelbagai kemahiran dalam pertunjukan.
Melatih 'anak'
Nathan mula diperkenalkan dengan ilmu penjagaan harimau sejak tahun 2006 secara sambilan. Tanpa disangka, dia semakin berminat untuk memahami naluri haiwan karnivor itu lantaran sudah biasa mendekatinya setiap hari.
Walaupun pernah terpaksa melupakan 'teman-teman' sepermainannya itu buat seketika kerana mengejar tugas sebagai eksekutif di sebuah syarikat swasta, Nathan telah dipanggil semula oleh majikan lamanya pada 2008 untuk menjadi penjaga harimau sepenuh masa.
"Secara amnya, saya perlu memastikan harimau-harimau berada dalam keadaan sihat, cergas dan selesa. Semuanya perlu dibelai kasih sayang selain dilatih agar berdisiplin," ujarnya yang banyak menimba ilmu melalui Internet dan daripada penjaga harimau Zoo Negara dan Zoo Taiping, Perak.
Bagi pelatih harimau sepertinya, tiada kepuasan dapat digambarkan apabila anak didiknya itu mempercayainya lalu patuh kepada arahan asas seperti duduk, melompat, dan tidak bercakaran antara satu sama lain.
"Harimau kalau berada di hutan, ia mengetahui cara menjaga diri sendiri tetapi apabila ia tidak tinggal di habitat asalnya, kita yang perlu menjaganya dengan baik," terangnya yang senang menyentuh, mengusap dan mencium haiwan itu.
Bercakap soal diet, setiap harimau di Tiger Valley mempunyai sukatan makanan sendiri mengikut berat badan. Sebanyak empat hingga enam kilogram daging segar pelbagai jenis perlu disediakan sehari bagi setiap harimau.

"Pemberian daging lembu, ayam atau kambing perlu mengikut jadual tetapi akan berlaku perubahan jika haiwan tersebut sakit," jelas Nathan.
Bagi bekalan daging beku pula, dia perlu menunggu selama enam jam supaya ia lembut dan darah dapat mengalir sebelum dicampakkan sebagai habuan perut kelima-lima harimau tersebut.
"Darah akan membekalkan vitamin. Sama juga pentingnya dengan pemberian makanan lain seperti satu sudu vitamin tambahan, protein, telur serta minyak kod," katanya yang menerima kedatangan pihak Jabatan Haiwan Perak setiap tiga bulan untuk membuat pemeriksaan kesihatan terhadap harimau jagaannya.
Pernah digigit
Memang banyak memori yang Nathan bina bersama lima sang belang kesayangannya itu. Daripada situasi memujuk waktu dimandikan, meredakan harimau yang agresif, hinggalah kepada pengalaman bermalam di sebelah kandang untuk menjaga perkembangan harimau yang sedang sakit.
Namun, ada satu peristiwa yang hampir-hampir membuatkan Nathan berfikir semula sama ada benar itu adalah skop kerjanya. Bukan kisah terkena cakar atau digigit manja, tetapi kakinya pernah disalah erti sebagai makanan lazat.
"Pengalaman itu masih segar dalam ingatan. Semasa kejadian, saya baru lepas memotong daging untuk diberikan kepada harimau-harimau itu. Atas kelalaian sendiri, saya tidak sedar terdapat secebis daging yang terlekat pada betis.
"Umum tahu betapa haiwan ini mempunyai deria hidu yang hebat. Pada masa itu, ada seekor harimau sedang sakit dan saya perlu membawanya ke bilik rawatan. Ketika mengiringinya, saya mendapati ia mengekori rapat. Tanpa diduga, ia menerkam dan membaham betis saya," imbasnya.
Selama satu setengah bulan, Nathan berehat untuk membolehkan kecederaan kakinya pulih. Gigitan harimau itu sangat kuat hinggakan giginya menembusi isi daging betisnya. Meskipun sepanjang tempoh itu dia menanggung sakit, lelaki ini tidak pernah berputus asa atau lemah semangat.

EMPAT hingga enam kilogram daging diperlukan dalam diet harimau setiap hari.

Kini, sudah empat tahun Nathan setia pada tugasnya. Dalam banyak-banyak perkara, isu paling utama baginya adalah aspek keselamatan. Bukan sahaja untuk dirinya, malah untuk setiap pengunjung yang melawat ke tempat itu.
"Satu-satunya ketakutan saya adalah kalau saya terlupa untuk mengunci kandang dengan baik. Bayangkanlah kalau itu terjadi. Saya bukan melepaskan bulldozer, tetapi haiwan liar yang mengancam nyawa!" Katanya berseloroh.
Kalau harimau-harimau itu berjaya dilatih untuk menjadi bintang di mata pengunjung, Nathan juga menerima banyak pengajaran bernilai. Daripada haiwan itu, dia telah belajar tentang keyakinan diri untuk mengendalikan perasaan takut dan was-was.
"Pengalaman menjaga harimau ini juga telah menjadikan saya seorang yang sabar, berdisiplin dan pengasih selain membuatkan saya lebih bersedia menghadapi masalah dan mencari penyelesaiannya," jelas Nathan bangga.


Saturday, 4 June 2011

Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.

Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)and five different subspecies of tiger

Here are the information about Malaysian Tiger (Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) . Malayan Tigers are adaptable cats and accupy a wide range of habitats from grasslands and coastal mangroves to deciduous forest and jungle. And Malayan Tigers main requirement are an ample supply of prey and dense vegetation in which to stalk it.

Do you know?

Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) coat provides excellent camouflage in a variety of habitats. And the vertical black stripes break up the tiger's outline, making it difficult to spot as it moves through the light and shade of forests,garssland and reedbeds.

Do you know?


The Smilodon  or better known as the sabretoothed tiger, was not really a tiger, but the fact is, it wasn't even a true cat. It belonged to a group of carnivores called nimravid, which roamed the EARTH from 1.3 to 1.6 million years ago until as recently as the last ICE AGE , 11,000 YEARS AGO.


Popular circus act consists of  Tiger ,Lion and Panthers jumping through burning hoops. Such tricks do not come naturally to these animals . Wild cats are not easily trained like dogs.Some of the trainer often beat and starve these animals to make them learn the tricks.Cats that are either too stubborn or too old to perform are killed, caged for good ore beaten and abandoned to die .The use of animals in circus acts is on decline due to pressure by animal rights activists.

Today there are six different subspecies of tiger:

Amur, or Siberian, tigerFound in eastern Russia mainly, with some in northeastern China northern North Korea. Lives in thick forests that are covered with snow in winterPaler colouring, with brown rather than black stipes. White ruff of fur round neck. Largest cat in the worldUp to 3.3m head to tail, about 300kgLess than 350 in the wild
Bengal tigerFound in India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Burma (Myanmar)From cold Himalayan forests to hot swamps to wet forests of north India to dry forests of RajasthanReddish orange fur with narrow black , grey or brown stripes. Underside is creamy whiteUp to 2.9m head to tail, about 140 kgApprox 3, 500 in the wild
Indochinese tigerMainly in Thailand, but also Burma, Cambodia, Laos, southern China, Vietnam, parts of MalaysiaLive in forests in hilly to mountainous areasReddish orange to dark yellow fur with black or dark grey stripesUp to
2.7m head to tail, about 115kg
Less than 1000 in the wild
Malay, or Malayan, tigerFound only in the Malaysian part of the Malay peninsula.Hilly forest areas because lowland forests have been cleared for rubber and palm oil plantations.Appearance similar to Indo-Chinese tiger: it was not until 2004 that it was classified as a different subspecies.Up to
2.7m head to tail, about 120kg
About 500 in the wild.
South China, or Amoy, tigerFound in central - eastern ChinaMoist forestsShort broad stripes widely spacedUp to 2.5 metres head to tail, about 150 kg20-30 in the wild The most critically endangered of the tigers, and possibly already extinct
Sumatran tigerFound only on the island of SumatraLives in forests, lowland to mountain areasIt is the darkest and smallest of the tigers, suitable for its rainforest habitatUp to 2.4m head to tail, 90 kgCritically Endangered, about 240 left in the wild

Amur tiger
Bengal tiger
Indochinese tiger
Malayan tiger
South China tiger
Sumatran tiger

Range and habitat

In the past, tigers were found throughout Asia, from the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea to Siberia and Indonesia. Today the range of the tiger is only 7% of what it used to be. Furthermore, within the past decade alone, the estimated area known to be occupied by tigers has declined by 41%.
During the 19th century, the tiger completely vanished from western Asia and became restricted to isolated pockets in the remaining parts of their range. Today, their range is fragmented, and certain parts degraded, and extends from India in the west to China and Southeast Asia in the east. The northern limit is close to the Amur River in south eastern Siberia. The only large island inhabited by tigers today is Sumatra. Tigers vanished from Java and Bali during the 20th century. In Borneo they are known only from fossil remains.
Tiger habitats will usually include sufficient cover, proximity to water, and an abundance of prey. Bengal Tigers live in many types of forests, including wet; evergreen; the semi-evergreen of Assam and eastern Bengal; the mangrove forest of the Ganges Delta; the deciduous forest of Nepal, and the thorn forests of the Western Ghats. Compared to the lion, the tiger prefers denser vegetation, for which its camouflage colouring is ideally suited, and where a single predator is not at a disadvantage compared with the multiple felines in a pride.
Among the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers; tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes, and rivers. During the extreme heat of the day, they often cool off in pools. Tigers are excellent swimmers, and are able to carry prey through the water.

White tigers

A Bengal white tiger in Bannerghatta National Park in Bangalore
A pair of white tigers at the Singapore Zoo.
There is a well-known mutation that produces the white tiger, technically known as chinchilla albinistic, an animal which is rare in the wild, but widely bred in zoos due to its popularity. Breeding of white tigers will often lead to inbreeding (as the trait is recessive). Many initiatives have taken place in white and orange tiger mating in an attempt to remedy the issue, often mixing subspecies in the process. Such inbreeding has led to white tigers having a greater likelihood of being born with physical defects, such as cleft palates and scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Furthermore, white tigers are prone to having crossed eyes (a condition known as strabismus). Even apparently healthy white tigers generally do not live as long as their orange counterparts. Recordings of white tigers were first made in the early 19th century. They can only occur when both parents carry the rare gene found in white tigers; this gene has been calculated to occur in only one in every 10,000 births. The white tiger is not a separate sub-species, but only a colour variation; since the only white tigers that have been observed in the wild have been Bengal tigers(and all white tigers in captivity are at least part Bengal), it is commonly thought that the recessive gene that causes the white colouring is probably carried only by Bengal tigers, although the reasons for this are not known.[ Nor are they in any way more endangered than tigers are generally, this being a common misconception. Another misconception is that white tigers are albinos, despite the fact that pigment is evident in the white tiger's stripes. They are distinct not only because of their white hue; they also have blue eyes.

Friday, 3 June 2011

About Tigers

Tigers are an endangered species. Wild tigers in Asia -- their natural habitat -- may soon disappear. As conservationist, Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, has been paraphrased: Saving the tiger is a test. If we pass, we get to keep the planet. Source: Smithsonian National Zoological Park

Tigers keep their claws sharp for hunting by pulling in their retractable claws into a protective sheath. Source: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
 Most tigers have more than 100 stripes, and no two tigers have identical stripes. Sources: Wikipedia and National Georaphic